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Liyuan (Suzhou) Wedding Goods Co.,Ltd.

Company Profile
Liyuan Group was founded in Taipei, Taiwan in 1984, the head office was named : LY Yuan Wedding Department Co., Ltd. Afterward , we have invested two factories - Liyuan (Suzhou) Wedding Goods Co.,Ltd. and Suzhou He Yuan Garments & Decoration Co., Ltd. separately in paradise - Suzhou City, China in 1995 and 2004. Started from early 2005, we have transfered our export sales operation from Taipei office to SuZhou headquarter for the purpose of easy management and resouces integration.
During past 20 ye...
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Contact Us
Company: Liyuan (Suzhou) Wedding Goods Co.,Ltd.
Contact: Mr. KING LU
Address: No.39 Jinguang Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
Postcode: 215008
Tel: +86 -512 -67221167
Fax: +86 -512 -67224041


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Tel : +86 -512 -67221167 Fax : +86 -512 -67224041
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